My Facebook Marketing Secrets
The most effective yet simple methods i am using to get multiple SIGN UPS a day for my gyms
And I started Martial Arts when I was 10 years old Competing and winning multiple English and British titles along the way! I soon found my passion for Coaching and spent over 5 years assisting and teaching at Longs Black Belt Schools.
At 18 years old I wanted to take my passion to the next level. I opened my first Martial Arts school. We were based in a community centre twice a week. This is when my Martial Arts Journey began all over again! 🚀
9 years on I’ve opened 12 schools in total. We now have 4 Full Time and 3 Part Time schools. All of this with absolutely No Franchising involved! 😮
A big dream of mine was to own a Super Centre and in Nov 2019 I combined 3 part-time schools into a new mega-facility of 4,400 sq ft.
Growing my business has turned my love and passion into a full-time career.
How I Can Help You...
I want to show you exactly how to massively multiply your business, grow your schools and impact even more people through Martial Arts, while keeping your true values along the way
Whether you’re a part time school just starting out, or an established full-time school that wants to expand. I will help you get more high quality enquiries and most importantly help you pass on your knowledge of Martial Arts to hundreds… or even thousands of people 🥋
If you want more sign ups... do these 10 things!
Make creatives using Canvas Layouts
Simple creative from scratch using Canva
My best preforming creative RIGHT NOW.
Lets set up a website traffic adverts to a cold and retargeted audience
Lead generation - Testing Images - Cold Audience
My Secret Ad Copy Formula
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